Bikini Island
“Swimwear Illustrated” is approaching its fifteenth anniversary issue. From a group of eager and beautiful young women, five are chosen for a photo shoot on an island off the California coast. One of the five will be the cover girl, and she’ll get an extra $100,000. On the island, the group stays at an isolated inn, staffed by the odd Frab. There’s him, the five models, and four magazine staff: photographer, make-up man, ambitious assistant Anesa, and Jack Denton, the playboy in charge of production. One by one, models and staff disappear.
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Director: Tony Markes
Actors: Adam Rifkin, Alicia Anne, Cheryl Janecky, Cyndi Pass, Holly Floria, Jackson Robinson, Kathleen McOsker, Kelly Poole, Lisa Star, Shannon Stiles