The film, set in the 1980s and 90s, chronicles the transformation of Bombay to Mumbai. The story is a cat and mouse game between a deadly don, Amartya Rao, who…
Owing to the wrongdoings affiliated with evils similar to black money, an honest but ferocious police officer returns as the Deputy Commissioner of Police with the prospect of wiping out…
School boy Stanley does not carry lunch, which is noticed by a teacher who forces kids to share their food with him. He soon warns Stanley that he must get…
Two brothers, as different as chalk and cheese, find their lives intertwined when one puts himself in danger via a `get rich quick’ scheme and the other finds there is…
Early-1940s, rural British India. When a woman decides to fight against the village’s despotic subedar and is supported by the guard of the local spice factory, more women join to…