In the distant future, mankind lives on Mars, in cities that resemble those once found on Earth, protected from the alien atmosphere by dome-like force-fields. When a massive sandstorm breaks…
After the earth’s water supply is depleted, the survivors form roving road gangs, armed to the teeth and desperate to find and protect water supplies. But when a new breed…
When her mother makes a shocking request, sheltered Ava struggles with reality, escaping into a dream world where she summons up old friends and long forgotten desires.
The clandestine world of crop circles is threatened when an ambitious TV journalist plans to expose the truth drawing her into the enigma of lights, Celtic mythology and UFOs to…
A torrid night of passion and terror awaits Phillip after a chance meeting with a beautiful stranger, whose shocking secret past threatens to destroy them both. Little does he know…
Seduced by the instant rewards of criminal activity, LEO ROBERTS (Anthony Welsh) enters the shadowy underground world of strip clubs, saunas, drugs and prostitution. Blinded by the potential power and…