Follows the serendipitous meeting of two young girls on the Venice Boardwalk, who, though worlds apart in lifestyle, embark on unexpected and lifelong friendship. CC is an aspiring singer trying…
A couple with marital problems gets lured to a remote retreat. They must put aside their problems to survive after they discover that their lives are in danger.
When business executive Amelia returns home to help a family-run ornament company, the employees see her as their savior who is coming in to rescue the company. They are heart-broken…
After a hugely successful debut novel, Stewart Paylor is supposed to be delivering chapters of his new book. Unbeknownst to everyone around him, including Cynthia, his literary agent/girlfriend, Stewart has…
While recovering from a suicide attempt, Ben Layten accidentally falls in love with a girl who was very nearly, almost his sister – and then things start to get weird.