Search results for "Hannah Fry"


IMDb: 7.7

Hannah Fry, a professor of maths, is used to investigating the world around her through numbers. When she’s diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 36, she starts to…

The Joy of Winning

The Joy of Winning

The Joy of Winning
IMDb: 7.4

How to have a happier life and a better world all thanks to maths, in this witty, mind-expanding guide to the science of success with Hannah Fry. Following in the…

Genre: Documentary
Calculating Ada: The Countess of Computing

Calculating Ada: The Countess of Computing

Calculating Ada: The Countess of Computing
IMDb: 7.1

Ada Lovelace was a most unlikely computer pioneer. In this film, Dr Hannah Fry tells the story of Ada’s remarkable life. Born in the early 19th century, Ada was a…

Genre: Documentary
The Joy of Data

The Joy of Data

The Joy of Data
IMDb: 6.8

A witty and mind-expanding exploration of data, with mathematician Dr Hannah Fry. This high-tech romp reveals what data is and how it is captured, stored, shared and made sense of….

Genre: Documentary