In 2026, four years after the infamous Sword Art Online incident, a revolutionary new form of technology has emerged: the Augma, a device that utilizes an Augmented Reality system. Unlike…
Kirito and some of his new friends look back at the events of season one. Kirito recalls his defining moments while Suguha learns to swim with the help of Asuna…
In an underground world where tunnels extend everywhere, even though they live in dark and confined spaces, people wear protective clothes and lead quiet and enjoyable lives. Patema, a princess…
Iron Man enlists the help of ruthless vigilante the Punisher to track down War Machine’s murderer. All the while, he’s being pursued by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Black Widow and Hawkeye, who…
Hell – A place where beings that have committed mortal sins during their lifetime are sent. It is a realm where even Soul Reapers are forbidden to interfere. When a…
July 1998 – After a group of delinquents is found dead in their hangout place with all their limbs twisted and torn off, Aozaki Touko receives a request to find…