The film follows a 30-year-old man named Gabriel, a French war reporter who was taken to hostage in Syria and then heads to India after months in captivity.
When her babysitter doesn’t show, a single mother is forced to leave her precocious five-year-old daughter with the girl’s estranged father for a long weekend.
Max is a battle-weary veteran of the wedding-planning racket. His latest — and last — gig is a hell of a fête, involving stuffy period costumes for the caterers, a…
Normandy, 1819. Jeanne is a young woman full of childish dreams and innocence when she returns home after finishing her schooling in a convent. She marries a local Viscount, Julien…
In high summer, Sasha suddenly dies. Her death brings two virtual strangers, her boyfriend Lawrence and sister Zoé, closer together, sharing their grief and the burden of their loss in…
Camille was only sixteen and still in high school when she fell in love with Eric, another student. They later married and a child and were happy for a while….