Jae-young is a high school student who is often bullied by the school’s mob leader, Yong-gyu. When Yong-gyu is hospitalized, Hoon wants to take his place at the top of…
The four stories that possibly or impossibly can be happened in the pension; The parents who lost their child go to the pension with poison where the killer stays with…
Doil’s stint in the army is nearly over, and he looks forward to returning to his a fiancée and baby boy. While on leave, however, he discovers that the baby…
On May 9th, a female high school student was brutally murdered. There are 7 suspects and 7 shadows that terrorize them. Who are they and which one of them is…
At the cusp of the founding of Joseon Dynasty, an envoy from China is delivering Emperor’s Ming’s Royal Seal. But nature in the form of a giant whale intervenes and…