Roar is an American television show that originally aired on the Fox network in July 1997. In the year AD 400, a young Irish man, Conor, sets out to rid…
Nostalgic for his glory days, a frustrated stay-at-home dad invites all of his high school Facebook friends to an 80s-themed surprise party for his exhausted corporate wife.
A basketball-savvy teen reluctantly agrees to coach a brilliant but self-centered tech whiz who has lost everything when her startup goes bust and personal life is left in ruins. Discovering…
A desperate man places a bizarre classified ad to end his life, but a strange turn of events occurs when an aimless girl decides to answer. As their lives collide,…
A former prostitute kidnaps a baby boy at birth to satisfy her drug-dealing husband, who has told her that he is going to divorce her and put her out on…
Traumatized after witnessing her jealous husband kill her adulterous lover and then himself, an unbalanced, nymphomaniac young woman finds herself stalked by an unknown assailant, but she cannot make anyone…
Just when you thought it was safe to sleep, Freddy Krueger returns in this sixth installment of the Nightmare on Elm Street films, as psychologist Maggie Burroughs, tormented by recurring…
Wimpy young executive Michael is about to get pulverized by a jealous boyfriend in a bar when a handsome, mysterious stranger steps in—and then disappears. Later that night, Michael runs…