In an attempt to rectify their criminal past, a once successful Hollywood starlet, turn prostitute, and a petty, misogynistic thief, set out together to solve a high profile child abduction…
After leaving a doctor visit with the worst news, Valerie Dreyfuss and her sister Melissa come to a stop on a lonely stretch of road. Their car is engulfed by…
Joe and Bunnyman’s adventure continue in a rural ghost town. Bunnyman’s blood lust knows no bounds, as he slaughters indiscriminately anything that crosses his path. Joe is all too happy…
After a string of incompatible dorm mates, Finn – an unapologetic, collegiate underachiever and extreme party boy – hopes that a new year is going to bring some better luck….
Detectives in a remote town pore through every frame of a troubling tape to find the whereabouts of three missing college students. The chilling footage becomes more and more disturbing…