An Irish rogue uses his cunning and wit to work his way up the social classes of 18th century England, transforming himself from the humble Redmond Barry into the noble…
A penniless middle-aged spinster scrapes by giving piano lessons in the Dublin of the 1950s. She makes a sad last bid for love with a fellow resident of her rundown…
Macbeth is a 1978 videotaped version of Trevor Nunn’s Royal Shakespeare Company production of the play by William Shakespeare. Produced by Thames Television, it features Ian McKellen as Macbeth and…
An Irish rogue uses his cunning and wit to work his way up the social classes of 18th century England, transforming himself from the humble Redmond Barry into the noble…
Ireland 1587. Hugh O’Donnell inherits the title of The O’Donnell, the prince of Donegal, and tries to unite Ireland to make war on England. But then Hugh is kidnapped and…