The sequel to ‘Galaxy Destroyer’ which finds our hero Harry Trent wandering Earth’s post-apocalyptic landscape full of mutants, monsters, and fragmented human tribes. Harry’s attempt to help a young girl…
To escape his captors an industrial spy hijacks a space shuttle only to find the controls malfunctioning. Catapulting through outerspace, he sights alien battleships approaching earth. Many years later when…
As a child, Ed was cleaning his father’s hunting rifles – a surprise birthday treat for the old man – when one of them went off, hitting and killing his…
A cyborg private eye is hired to protect a Caribbean president visiting New York City. Unknown to him, the president’s daughter is in league with his country’s rebels who are…
A babysitting uncle tells his charges three horror stories: about a killer witch; Little Red Riding Hood and a werewolf; and Goldi Lox and the three bears.
An otherwordly perpetrator has been attacking female virgins in Manhattan. As Dr. Pace and Detective Andriotti work together to identify the strange organic materials found on the women, the victims…