In this sequel to Hope and Glory (1987), Bill Rohan has grown up and is drafted into the army, where he and his eccentric best mate, Percy, battle their snooty…
The story of the last Seal Child’s journey home. After their mother’s disappearance, Ben and Saoirse are sent to live with Granny in the city. When they resolve to return…
1974. Amidst power cuts, strikes and boot-boy aggro on the football terraces, Joe McCain is bored of a life that’s going nowhere. Enter hair-dresser Jane: blonde, beautiful, and moving to…
Due to a learning disability, Josie’s life in a tiny town revolves around a menial job taking care of a garage that could close at any day. Things start to…
Three pedigree chumps learn that every underdog has its day in this freewheeling Irish comedy. In hock to the tune of £50,000 to a Belfast bookie and saddled with a…
Irish lads send an ad to the Miami Herald inviting fit and enticing women, between the ages of 20 and 21, to live in their isolated Donegal village. The whole…