In a small country town, a trio of unlikely friends – Percy Boy, Keithy Cobb and Daisy Hawkins – band together to take the local school sports day title from…
Elspeth Dickens dreams of finding her “voice” despite being stuck in an isolated farmhouse with her twin toddlers. A web-cam becomes her pathway to fame and fortune, but at a…
Three young Navy officers hit Sydney for one last night on land before being shipped over to the Gulf to fight. Sam has been mistreated at sea and is going…
The story is about Iris’s rise to the apex of a love/power triangle that includes her roguish English lover, McHeath, and Art, an earnest young boxer. Within the flawed moral…
The story of a young Sydney band trying to get a foothold in the competitive world of rock n’ roll. After the band’s first gig is a colossal failure, the…