“A Man Called Jon” is a light-hearted dramedy about Pastor Jon Terrell Carson’s unusual style of worship. Jon’s church is very traditional and is not accustomed to outbursts during service….
Travis plans the perfect romantic getaway to propose to longtime love Lena. As the carefully orchestrated weekend comically fails to go as planned, Travis may not get the answer he’s…
A highly successful upper middle class woman with a loving family has her seemingly “perfect” world turned upside down when the hidden secrets from her past suddenly resurface, forcing her…
A high school faculty lotto pool places its fate in the lucky numbers they’ve played for ten years after hearing budget cuts have eliminated all their jobs.
A gifted high-school student flubs her college admissions interviews for the most unexpected reasons in this independent coming-of-age drama. Cynical, world-weary Evie is more interested in taking care of her…