Underdog is an American animated television series that debuted October 3, 1964, on the NBC network under the primary sponsorship of General Mills, and continued in syndication until 1973, for…
After being run out of Las Vegas, reporter Carl Kolchak heads for Seattle and another reporting job with the local paper. It’s not long before he is on the trail…
In the great Disney tradition of wild family fun, a young Kurt Russell stars as Steven Post – an ambitious mailroom clerk at a second-rate TV network. With his eye…
Clyde King, a toy store employee whose hobbies include making wooden toys and stalking women, is coveted by the female owner of one of the biggest toy companies in the…
Young and awkward, The Coast-Guard’s ensign Thomas Garland suffers from the comparison with his late father, a war hero. Which does not prevent him from falling for pretty Kate Fairchild,…
A German living in India during World War II is blackmailed by the English to impersonate an SS officer on board a cargo ship leaving Japan for Germany carrying a…
During a routine patrol, a reporter is given permission to interview a hardened cold-war warrior and captain of the American destroyer USS Bedford. The reporter gets more than he bargained…
A man refuses to believe that pilot error caused a fatal crash, and persists in looking for another reason. Airliner crashes near Los Angeles due to unusual string of coincidences….
Clay Spencer and his wife, Olivia, live in a small town deep in the mountains. When Clay isn’t busy drinking with his buddies or railing against the town minister, he’s…
Texan farmers the Frake family head for the Texas State Fair in Dallas. The parents are focused on winning the competitions for livestock and cooking. However, their restless daughter Margy…