In a world where human beings and puppets live together, when the members of the cast of a children’s television show aired during the 1990s begin to get murdered one…
The heartbreaking but hopeful tale of Danny Kenny and Peggy Nash, two sweethearts who meet and struggle through their impoverished lives in New York City. When Peggy, hoping for something…
A university student moves into an apartment building and becomes involved with a waitress. The landlord then attempts to evict the tenants and sell the building through illicit means.
Heist thriller and adaptation of Ian Rankin’s book, which sees a bored millionaire plan to swap the contents of a gallery’s warehouse with near-perfect forgeries.
After being given a 24-hour leave from prison, in exchange for which she’ll agree to testify against her mobster boyfriend, Cocoa hits the streets, but quickly discovers that violence lurks…
Chow Sing-Sing returns, only this time he doesn’t go back to school. Instead, Chow goes undercover as the husband of a wealthy socialite, which doesn’t sit well with his fiancée,…
In 1949, composer Roman Strauss is executed for the murder of his wife. In 1990s Los Angeles, a detective comes across a mute amnesiac woman who is somehow linked to…